Volumes I-III of Sauk County and Baraboo are an anecdotal and chronological history covering 1839 through 2008. They are a collection in chronological form of the author’s articles as they appeared in the Baraboo Sun and the Baraboo News Republic from 1997 through 2008, with many additional pictures from the author and the Sauk County Historical Society. Volumes IV and V are stand-alone volumes that cover articles written from 2009 to 2014.
Volumes I-IV were produced in association with the Sauk County Historical Society and the UW-Extension Arts and Culture Committee.
Volume I-Published in 2009. Covers 1838 through the 1890s. (p. 1-388)
Volume II-Published in 2009. Covers 1900 through the 1930s. (p. 389-808)
Volume III-Published in 2009. Covers 1940s through 2008. (p. 809-1189)
Volume IV-Published in 2013. A stand-alone volume that covers articles written from 2009-2012.
Volume V-Published in 2014. A stand-alone volume that covers the author's final stories written from 2012-2014.
The Baraboo Public Library would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions to this project:
Robert Curry, Jr.
Robert C. "Bob" Dewel, D.D.S.
Bryant Hazard
Joan Litscher
William Schuette
Joseph and Lou Ann Ward

The copyright of the digital files is held by Robert C. "Bob" Dewel, D.D.S. and the files on this website are used by permission of the author. This electronic edition is for non-commercial personal use and research. Any other use of this information will require the written permission of the copyright holder.