Location and Hours
The Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library is located in Baraboo, Wisconsin at 230 4th Avenue.
Monday -Thursday: 9 AM to 8 PM
Friday: 9 AM to 6 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 12 PM
Book/Item Return:
Drive-up / walk-up item return is located outside on the North side of the building, on the alley, and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Items may also be returned inside the library at the main desk, during open hours.
Primary library parking is the parking lot North of our building, at the corner of 5th and Birch. This parking lot includes 2 disabled parking spaces, which are closest to the door. The route from this parking lot to the North door has no steps or other barriers for those with mobility issues, mobility aids, or carts/baby strollers. Overflow parking is along 4th Ave on the South side of the library.
Library parking is marked in GREEN on the map below.
Please note, the parking lot to the East of the library (next to the United Methodist Church) belongs to the church, not the library and we ask our visitors to please refrain from parking there.

Board of Trustees:
The Board of Trustees meets the third Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm at the library. Current 2024-2025 board members are:
Misty Muter, President
Glenn Bildsten
Annette Crowder
Mitchell Groenhof
Gwen Herrewig
Cynthia Orbegoso
John Phelps
Bekah Stelling
Vicky Wiegand
John Ellington, Emeritus
Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library Board of Trustees Bylaws (pdf)
Agendas and minutes of the meetings are posted on the City of Baraboo website.
- 3D Printer Procedure and Policy
- Bulletin Boards (pdf)
- Circulation Policy (pdf)
- Conduct Policy (pdf)
- Device Checkout (pdf)
- Gift Policy (pdf)
- Hiring and Equal Opportunity Policy (pdf)
- Interlibrary Loan
- Internet Use Policy (pdf)
- Materials Selection Policy (pdf)
- Meeting Room Policy (pdf)
- Privacy of Library Records and Library Use (pdf)
- Security Camera Policy (pdf)
- Study Room Policy (pdf)
- Undesignated Trust Fund Investment Policy (pdf)
- Web Page Links Policy (pdf)
- Youth Safety Policy (pdf)
Library History
Library Management Staff:
Jessica Bergin, Library Director
Nathan Rybarczyk, Resources Librarian/Assistant Director
Zach Ott, Public Services Librarian
Beth VanCurine, Programming & Outreach Librarian